
May 17, 2016
May 17, 2016


” I had almost given up hope on a claim in small claims court against an unscrupulous building contractor. That is until I hired Mr. Freudman who organized all the material I wanted to submit, evaluated what should be included, then meticulously laboured over examinations and cross-examinations of myself, other witnesses and the defendant. It took years and delay tactics on the defendant’s part, and outright and blatant lies on the defendant’s part, but Mr. Freudman persevered and maintained focus. Finally, after four years, the judge’s Order has been handed down: WE WON. I received a settlement in excess of $12,000 plus legal costs. I would advise anyone in a litigation matter to contact Mr. Freudman. He knew the questions to ask me initially to help size up the case and keenly maneuvered throughout many days in trial. Thank you Mr. Freudman. With this behind me, I feel such enormous relief and am absolutely thrilled with the results! “